
Pc1d silicon one junction
Pc1d silicon one junction

"24.5% Efficiency silicon PERT cells on MCZ substrates and 24.7% efficiency PERL cells on FZ substrates." Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 7(6):471-474, November 1999. "Influence of the Front Surface Passivation Quality on Large Area n-Type Silicon Solar Cells with Al-Alloyed Rear Emitter." Energy Procedia, 8:487-492, 2011. "Efficiency Potential of n-Type Silicon Solar Cells with Aluminum-Doped Rear p+ Emitter." IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 59(5):1295-1303, May 2012.į. "Direct comparison of boron, phosphorus, and aluminum gettering of iron in crystalline silicon." Journal of Applied Physics, 109(7):073521, 2011. "N-type silicon - The better material choice for industrial high efficiency solar cells." In Proceedings of the 22th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 2007. Vinodh Shanmugam et al., "Electrical and Microstructural Analysis of Contact Formation on Lightly Doped Phosphorus Emitters sing Thick-Film Ag Screen Printing Pastes," IEEE JOURNAL OF PHOTOVOLTAICS, VOL. 4061-4063, 2004.įabian Kiefer, et al, "Influence of the boron emitter profile on VOC and JSC losses in fully ion implanted n-type PERT solar cells." Phys. Geerligs, "Recombination activity of interstitial iron and other transition metal point defects in p and n-type crystalline silicon," Applied Physics Letters, vol. Hezel, "Investigation of carrier lifetime instabilities in Cz-grown silicon," in Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE 26th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, pp. Warta, "Minority carrier lifetime degradation in boron-doped Czochralski silicon," Journal of Applied Physics, vol. Bothe, "Structure and transformation of the metastable boron- and oxygen-related defect center in crystalline silicon," Physical Review B, vol.

pc1d silicon one junction pc1d silicon one junction

"Minority carrier lifetime degradation in boron-doped Czochralski silicon." Journal of Applied Physics, 90(5):2397, 2001. "P-type versus n-type Silicon Wafers: Prospects for High-Efficiency Commercial Silicon Solar Cells." IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 53(8):1893-1901, 2006. A New Silicon p-n Junction Photocell for Converting Solar Radiation into Electrical Power. It could reduce the surface dopant concentration with minimal impact on the sheet resistance.ĭ. Pre-oxidation combined with a multi-plateau drive-in, using limited source diffusion was carried out before pre-deposition. A lightly phosphorus doped BSF (LD BSF) was experimentally optimized to get low surface dopant concentration for n type bifacial solar cells. The simulation results show that the key role of the BSF is to decrease the surface doping concentration reducing the recombination and thus, increasing the cell efficiency.

#Pc1d silicon one junction software#

The performance of the solar cell is determined by using one-dimensional solar cell simulation software PC1D.

pc1d silicon one junction

In this work, the influences of wafer thickness, bulk lifetime, emitter, BSF on the photovoltaic characteristics of solar cells are discussed. N-type PERT (passivated emitter, rear totally diffused) bifacial solar cells with boron and phosphorus diffusion as p+ emitter and n+ BSF (back surface field) have attracted significant research interest recently.

Pc1d silicon one junction